How Many Security Cameras To Install For Complete Video Surveillance?
Security Camera Install For Total Video Surveillance

How Many Security Cameras To Install For Complete Video Surveillance?

CCTV cameras are now required for the complete security of any location. All locations, whether residential or commercial, are protected by a variety of security systems, including CCTV cameras for video surveillance. Whether it’s the perimeter of your home or office, security is incomplete without adding a video surveillance system. Nevertheless, when a person decides to install a video surveillance system in their commercial or residential space, one of the most frequently asked questions is how many CCTV cameras should they install for a proper video surveillance system. The answer to this question is subjective because the size of a specific area determines the number of cameras needed. However, certain areas should be prioritised to ensure the safety of your residential or commercial space.


For Commercial Establishment:

Day in and day out, commercial establishments such as retail stores, offices, hospitals, and other such areas see a large influx of people. As a result, even when manual security is present, video surveillance systems are integrated to keep the area secure and make vigilance easier. But where should a video surveillance system be installed?

Entrances & Exists:

When it comes to video surveillance system installation in commercial space, the first area that you must secure is the entrance and exit. Intruders do not take the lee-way and try to find a weak spot to gain access. More often they just try to blend in with the crowd, they enter and exit through the main gates. This is why it is important to install a video surveillance system in your access points, it will make it easier for the security team to keep a keen eye on all the visitors walking in and out.

Parking Lot:

Parking lots can often become a safe haven for robbers to seek refuge or to wait for the perfect opportunity to prey. When you have a video surveillance system installed in your parking lot, your security team can closely monitor each car that’s parked in and parked in for how long. Thus, if any suspicious activity is detected they can take quick action.

Employee-Only Areas:

In restaurants, retail stores and offices, various areas are restricted to only. However, sometimes outsiders may try to gain access to these areas. It puts the safety of employees at risk. To ensure your employees’ security remains completely protected it is important to install a video surveillance system in these areas.

Cashier’s Booth:

You must install a video surveillance system that directly oversights the cash register. This will help you inspect any discrepancies with cash or cash register. If there’s a case or robbery, the robbers will most definitely try to break the cash register to get their hands on the currency bills. Thus, for post-break-in vigilance and regular scrutiny, it is important to have a video surveillance system that directly looks over the cash register.

Any Other Sensitive Areas:

Apart from these prominent spaces, if you have any other sensitive area in your commercial establishment for vigilance, such as a resource room, storage room or server room etc. Then you can install a video surveillance system in such areas as well.

For Residential Establishment:

When it comes to residential establishments, a video surveillance system is often the only type of security system one may install to protect their residence. So, what are the areas that one must cover to protect their house?

Entrances, Porch and Garden:

When it comes to residential video surveillance, you must secure the perimeter areas such as entrances, driveways, porches and gardens with a CCTV video surveillance system. It will help you keep an eye on the people who circle your house and keep a tab if anyone looks suspicious.

Rooms With Valuable:

If you have a room in your house where you keep the vault or other valuables, then it is important to ensure the safety of the room with video surveillance systems. It will help you see who has entered the room or tried to open the vault in case something goes missing. Thus, it can help you with the investigation in case of missing items.

Common Areas:

While you can’t place CCTV cameras in private areas such as bedrooms or bathrooms, you can install a video surveillance system in common areas. Common areas such as the living room, hallways, dining room, kitchen and even nursery. This way you can ensure the safety of your kids, pets and loved ones while you are away.


These are some of the areas where you must install a video surveillance system to ensure the safety of your residential or commercial space. The number of CCTV security cameras that you may need to cover the whole area depends on the size of the area.


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